U-Pick Lavender\Farm Visit Dates Announced
Our Lavender Farm in Edwardsville, IL is set to Open on May 28, 2022 and will run all the way through the fourth of July weekend. We are open on the weekends only. Sorry everyone but it is a farm with lots to do. Join us as the English Lavender blooms first and then the Long Stem Lavender. We ask you make a reservation to help in the flow of people so you have an enjoyable visit. If you arrive at the top of the hour you will get a guided tour from the two sister owners. Visit www.tfilavender.com to arrange your visit.
To schedule a visit, click here ==>https://www.tfilavender.com/product/-visit-the-lavender-farm/131
Scheduled Farm Visit dates below. We are open 9am to 3pm.

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