Monthly Archives: August 2020

Shop Our ON-Line Store

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March 2020 – With the world changing based on COVID-19, we kicked into gear and created our on-line store. Yes we know it was about time, but the time now is certainly is right. Help support our small business by shopping for pickup or delivery.

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Find us on Goshen

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The small farmers of the Edwardsville Community appreciate the Goshen Community Market for creating a website as well allow us to sell up to 8 times. Be sure to check out the site for our goods and other local small vendors. Check out GOSHENMARTKET.ORG

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The Corn Granary a New Roof

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March 2020 — We are trying to keep the old corn granary pretty much the same. It tells a lot about our farm’s history as the whole corn cob was stored. But we added on a new tin roof to keep it dry and risk future wood damage.

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